Kommunikationsmärkte sind einerseits Märkte, auf den Kommunikationsdienste- und produkte angeboten werden. Andererseits sind sie weit mehr als das. Sie beeinflussen wie kein anderer auch andere Märkte: Kapitalmärkte, Arbeitsmärkte, Produktmärkte. Wenn das so ist: Welche Rolle spielen Märkte eigentlich in der Wirtschaftsgesellschaft? Und wie funktionieren sie?
Wenn Märkte als Narrative, also als Erzählungen,verstanden werden, dann stellt sich die Frage, wie Märkte zustande kommen und sich entwickeln. Call-outs sind Ausrufe, die Marken, Kunden und andere Stakeholder testweise tätigen. Ihr Ziel: Call-outs sollen viral gehen, so dass Narrative entstehen.
Marken-Communities haben sich in der Corona-Krise als scharfe Wächter pandemiegerechten Verhaltens von Unternehmen präsentiert.
Das Fehlverhalten von Modefilialisten wurde ebenso abgestraft wie unethische Preissetzung von Anbietern für Hygieneprodukte. Fehlverhalten hat zu digitalen Shitstorms geführt, die das Verhalten von Unternehmen korrigierte.
Das heißt, die Markenführung (Branding) wird zur Brand Governance. Um dies leisten zu können, müssen Marken agil sein - ein Widerspruch zu Marken als Lanzeit-Assets?
Bild: Marken als Governance
This contribution asks what evolutionary thinking means for traditional changemanagement when closed systems theory becomes applied. Closed systems exclude direct interventions so that traditional management is ruled out. Resistance groups in change, but also brand communities are one popular example for the existence, relevance and power of closed systems within corporations.
Hence, brands will be conceptualized as meso-driven systems. Their function is to incorporate agility into corporations if they are applied as constructive mutual learning approaches which learn and teach contemporary values.
Bild: Agile brands as closed social systems
Marketing intelligence fosters two major developments within digital service marketing. On the one hand, a boom of services seems to have evolved, accelerated by the opportunities of marketing intelligence. It has contributed to the optimization of customer experiences, e.g., supported by mobile, personalized, and customized marketing services. On the other hand, (digital) self-services are likely to pervert the term "service". Lifecycle marketing, including annoying marketing communication in real-time, automated price adjustment and programmatic advertising based on artificial intelligence, affects the vision of fully standardized marketing automation. - What does this mean for service experience to align customers?
Bild: Boom or bust of services?
Read more in the International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
Marketing intelligence is certainly not a new term by any means. As early as the 1960s, Kelley formulated the significance of marketing intelligence for management in the age of the information revolution. Today – almost 60 years later – marketing 4.0 is the term used to discuss digitalization in marketing, particularly in IT marketing
From the marketing intelligence point of view, social media platforms are self-seeding data sources, as the users provide data by posts, share, likes, photos etc.
Bild: Marketing Intelligence and Big Data (Journal-Artikel)
Social media provide the basis to make digital intelligence become social. Social engineering is the art of getting users to compromise information systems. Therefore, marketing intelligence becomes “artificial intelligence”, not just in a digital, but also in a social sense.
Watch more about this in this video (Youtube).
Read more in the International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence.